WIA GC/2251 | Magnus, Helene to Warburg, Aby 12/02/1906 | on her appointment and meeting with Professor Adolf von Hildebrand in Munich; she has rented a... |
WIA GC/25557 | Warburg, Charlotte and Warburg, Moritz to Warburg, Aby 23/11/1891 | Charlotte accepts that her previous card was short; but she has written it on 'short Friday'; on... |
WIA GC/25695 | Warburg, Max to Warburg, Aby [before 13/03/1892] | acknowledges receipt of Warburg's card and promises to purchase the requested items; the Warburg... |
WIA GC/25703 | Warburg, Max; Warburg, Charlotte, and Warburg, Moritz to Warburg, Aby 24/12/1892 | they received his cable telling them that he might arrive in Hamburg only on Monday [26/12/1892... |
WIA GC/25890 | Warburg, Charlotte to Warburg, Aby 15/06/1894 | the Warburg family celebrated the 30th wedding anniversary on 12/06/1894 and Warburg's birthday... |