WIA GC/10463 | Warburg, Aby to Meissner, Bruno [15/12/1906] | acknowledges receipt of a copy of Adolfo Venturi's 'Storia dell'Arte', vol. 5; Warburg asks him... |
WIA GC/10947 | Warburg, Aby to Schmid, W.M., Kautzsch, Rudolf Goldschmidt, Adolph and Koetschau, Karl 12/11/1908 | [first page of covering letter and first draft of 'special report' both dated 10/11/1908, second... |
WIA GC/10962 | Warburg, Aby to Venturi, Adolfo 31/12/1908 | New Year greetings; thanks him and Hermanin for the kind reception in Rome of Warburg's ideas on... |
WIA GC/10966 | Warburg, Aby to Venturi, Adolfo 05/01/1909 | forwards the official letter of the committee welcoming him as member; assures him of his... |
WIA GC/10967 | Warburg, Aby to Kautzsch, Rudolf 06/01/1909 | encloses circular letter to Professor Adolfo Venturi [cf. text on page 467 of Kopierbuch II... |