WIA GC/14942 | Warburg, Felix to Warburg, Aby 22/09/1924 | forwards copies of 'Natural History Magazine', 'Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society... |
WIA GC/14944 | Warburg, Aby to Warburg, Felix 02/09/1924 | thanks him re information on the Bronze liver oracle; requests addresses of Morris Jastrow and... |
WIA GC/17233 | Warburg, Aby to Adler, Cyrus 23/07/1926 | thanks him enthusiastically for coming to the library with his family; explains his work, his... |
WIA GC/17234 | Adler, Cyrus to Warburg, Aby 27/07/1926 | thanks him for the gift of books from the Bibliothek Warburg; shares his view on the 'great... |
WIA GC/17236 | Warburg, Aby to Adler, Cyrus 18/10/1926 | thanks him for his role as 'liaison officer' to Warburg's brothers; forwards a copy of the 3rd... |