WIA GC/12520 | Buchard, Ludwig to Saxl, Fritz 12/11/1920 | Saxl's review of Neumanns' book 'Aus der Werkstatt Rembrandt's' will not be published in the... |
WIA GC/12521 | Saxl, Fritz to Burchard, Ludwig 20/11/1920 | agrees to the suggestion to publish his book review in the Kunstchronik; does not agree with the... |
WIA GC/12968 | Saxl, Fritz to Hertz, Clara 20/09/1921 | routine library business; orders purchase of book by Ludwig Burchard, Max Wagner to take... |
WIA GC/13432 | Saxl, Fritz to Burchard, Ludwig 11/07/1922 | requests a review copy of Sarre's 'Altpersische Kunst'; stresses that it will not be favourable... |
WIA GC/15597 | Antal, Friedrich to Panofsky, Erwin 28/02/1925 | detailed report on Vöge who is very ill and needs to be hospitalized; on the rumour to relaunch... |