Ref No

WIA GC/19418

Wittkower, Rudolf to Warburg, Aby 19/09/1927

wants to look at the codex with Bernini drawings in the next few days; requests information...

WIA GC/19496

Saxl, Fritz to Warburg, Aby 15/11/1927

detailed report of the work in KBW in the last two months; is keen that the staff work...

WIA GC/21044

Warburg, Aby to Glum, Friedrich Johann 02/04/1929

Glum's suggestion to affiliate the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florence to the Kaiser-Wilhelm...

WIA GC/24897

Warburg, Aby to Warburg, Max 25/03/1929

is pleased that H. Eckener remembers Warburg so well; accepts Max Warburg's view of Carl [Wilhelm...

WIA GC/31024

Heydenreich, Ludwig Heinrich to Warburg, Aby 06/05/21929

thanks him for Warburg's card; thanks him for his support; as requested he checked their...

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