WIA GC/29467 | du Bois-Reymond, Lili to Warburg, Mary 07/01/1920 | she has the flu, but is getting better; thanks her for news, is very sorry about Warburg; admires... |
WIA GC/29468 | du Bois-Reymond, Lili to Warburg, Mary 28/01/1920 | replies to her request; offers accommodation to Max Adolph Warburg as a matter of fact from the... |
WIA GC/29469 | du Bois-Reymond, Lili to Warburg, Mary 05/02/1920 | Fanny [du Bois-Reymond] [Lili's daughter] and Lili are very happy to accommodate Max Adolph... |
WIA GC/29470 | du Bois-Reymond, Lili to Warburg, Mary 19/02/1920 | is very happy with Mary's letter, she and Fanny [du Bois-Reymond] [her daughter] are looking... |
WIA GC/2950 | du Bois-Reymond, Lucy to Warburg, Aby 13/03/1908 | thanks him for the 'Lettera di una gentildonna fiorentina'; family news on Lili, Leo, Erika, Eva... |