WIA GC/10081 | Jolles Singels, Jacoba Cornelia to Warburg, Aby 13/07/1896 | she and her son [André] are very happy to read that Warburg will come to Holland; they cannot... |
WIA GC/10082 | Jolles Singels, Jacoba Cornelia to Warburg, Aby [20/10/1896] | she will move to Amsterdam and live with her son [André Jolles]; he has a post in publishing... |
WIA GC/10084 | Jolles Singels, Jacoba Cornelia to Warburg, Aby 24/12/1896 | Christmas greetings; her son André cannot go to Hamburg, but he will try to get to Berlin |
WIA GC/10142 | Warburg, Aby to Mönckeberg, Johann Georg [1899] | replies to his request re information on André Jolles; sends character reference, background... |
WIA GC/27135 | Jolles Singels, Jacoba Cornelia to Warburg, Aby and Warburg, Mary 18/01/1899 | sends congratulations on the birth of Marietta in her own and her son André's name; forwards a... |