WIA GC/28563 | Öffenliche Bücherhalle Eppendorf to Warburg, Aby 1913 | appeal for funding a public library, to be situated in the communal baths, Eppendorf; the... |
WIA GC/32531 | Warburg, Aby to Warburg, Mary 03/10/1913 | tells her not to forget to visit Mrs. Rambatz and to tell her that Warburg would like to talk to... |
WIA GC/32702 | Warburg, Max Adolph to Warburg, Aby 18/09/1915 | apologizes for his long silence, but he could not write on the weekend because of the wonderful... |
WIA GC/33231 | Warburg, Max to Warburg, Aby 17/12/1920 | has received Warburg's cable; it is still undecided when Fritz [Warburg] will visit Warburg; Max... |
WIA GC/35290 | Warburg, Aby to Warburg, Mary 18/12/1920 | [Hans] Berger told him that Fritz postponed his visit; does not understand why; wants Mary and... |