Ref No

WIA GC/10009

Seligman, Isaac N. to Warburg, Aby 12/11/1895

forwards Letter of Credit to Philipp N. Lilienthal, manager of the Anglo-Californian Bank, his...

WIA GC/26137

Warburg, Aby to Warburg, Charlotte and Warburg, Moritz 26/02/1896

thanks for letters from Charlotte Warburg and Olli [Olga Warburg] and Panina [Paul and Nina...

WIA GC/26194

Warburg, Felix to Warburg, Aby 11/03/1896

acknowledges receipt of cable and letter from San Francisco with the news that Warburg is not...

WIA GC/26196

Warburg, Frieda to Warburg, Aby 17/03/1896

is pleased with Warburg's decision not to go to Japan as it would have been too hot for Warburg...

WIA GC/26201

Warburg, Aby to Warburg, Felix and Warburg, Frieda 06/04/1896

reports on his trip to the Grand Canyon; travelling companions were General [William J.] Palmer...

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