WIA GC/26196 | Warburg, Frieda to Warburg, Aby 17/03/1896 | is pleased with Warburg's decision not to go to Japan as it would have been too hot for Warburg... |
WIA GC/27680 | Warburg, Paul to Warburg, Moritz and Warburg, Charlotte 09/11/1902 | they are still staying in the house of Friedaflix [Felix and Frieda Warburg] as their own house... |
WIA GC/31820 | Warburg, Felix to Warburg, Aby 25/05/1906 | sends birthday wishes to Warburg, the 'fat splendid chap'; on Max [Warburg']s trip to Paris and... |
WIA GC/31852 | Warburg, Paul to Warburg, Aby 03/09/1906 | informs him of the death of Jake's [Seligman] sister, Mrs. [Isabella S.] Lilienthal |
WIA GC/326 | Lilienthal, Isabella S. and Philipp N. to Warburg, Aby 01/01/1897 | New Year's greetings |