WIA GC/23393 | Warburg, Mary to Warburg, Aby 21/11/1902 | is pleased that he is working well; wants to know whether the new idea for his research has... |
WIA GC/25223 | Warburg, Charlotte to Warburg, Aby [after 08/06/1887] | is sorry for him suffering from hayfever again; is pleased to read that his friends and Mrs. [Ida... |
WIA GC/25269 | Warburg, Charlotte to Warburg, Aby [1887?] | Miss Adele [Robinow] has invited Warburg to her wedding on Sunday; Charlotte Warburg accepted the... |
WIA GC/25427 | Warburg, Charlotte to Warburg, Aby 28/06/1890 | immediately after her father having finished the Sabbath prayers and given them his blessing, she... |
WIA GC/27176 | Warburg, Aby to Warburg, Mary 28/07/1900 | the Emperor has arrived in Heligoland; there is commotion, many warships and princes have arrived... |