WIA GC/17416 | Elkan, Luise to Warburg, Aby 27/06/1926 | she learnt from the 'Frankfurter Zeitung' of Warburg's birthday; sends greetings; thinks back to... |
WIA GC/25386 | Warburg, Aby to Warburg, Moritz and Warburg, Charlotte 21/10/1889 | instead of Mesuse he has just nailed his visiting card to the door post; informs them of his new... |
WIA GC/25387 | Warburg, Aby to Warburg, Moritz and Warburg, Charlotte 01/12/1889 | thanks them and Max Warburg for letters and brochure; with his friend Gabriel von Térey he went... |
WIA GC/25389 | Warburg, Felix to Warburg,Aby 06/12/1889 | replies re wedding present for Lu [Luise Elkan, née Reichenberger]; Aby S. Warburg, Max and Felix... |
WIA GC/25480 | Reichenberger, Therese to Warburg, Aby 25/11/1890 | her parents, Mr. Max and Mrs. [Elisabeth] Reichenberger, asked her to thank Warburg for his... |