WIA GC/1067 | Ehrich, Louis R. to Warburg, Aby 24/07/1903 | an invitation to Warburg to become a member of his new company dealing in Old Masters |
WIA GC/1068 | Ehrich, Louis R. to Warburg, Felix Moritz 24/07/1903 | announcing the end of his mining business and the start of his art dealing with Old Masters in... |
WIA GC/26064 | Warburg, Aby to Warburg, Felix 24/11/1895 | thanks him for letters; is very sad about Olga Leonino's; Warburg received a letter from Dr... |
WIA GC/27638 | Warburg, Felix to Warburg, Aby 08/04/1902 | thanks him for a copy of Warburg's article ['Bildniskunst']; in San Francisco people were asking... |
WIA GC/31820 | Warburg, Felix to Warburg, Aby 25/05/1906 | sends birthday wishes to Warburg, the 'fat splendid chap'; on Max [Warburg']s trip to Paris and... |