WIA GC/27073 | Warburg, Charlotte and Warburg, Moritz to Warburg, Aby and Warburg, Mary 04/12/1899 | Charlotte is very happy to read that Warburg is finding material for his research in the archive... |
WIA GC/33194 | Warburg, Charlotte to Warburg, Aby 11/03/1920 | she knows that he is in daily contact with Mary Warburg, by letter and by phone; the previous day... |
WIA GC/35167 | Warburg, Mary to Warburg, Aby 15/03/1920 | she has read that the general strike was cancelled, hopes that the post will work again; mentions... |
WIA GC/35168 | Warburg, Mary to Warburg, Aby 19/03/1920 | acknowledges receipt of his card to Max Adolph; although she has already spoken to Warburg on the... |
WIA GC/36499 | Warburg, Mary to Warburg, Aby 18/09/1922 | she will go to Ellen Plauth [recte: Ellen Julia Plaut] for tea and afterwards to Kösterberg, will... |