WIA GC/17361 | Cohen, Arthur to Warburg, Aby 11/06/1926 | sends birthday greetings; life after 60 is not so bad; he together with his brother-in-law... |
WIA GC/25439 | Warburg, Charlotte to Warburg, Aby [11/07/1890] | on 13/07/1890 lunchtime Franziska and the twins will leave Hamburg and will arrive in Badenweiler... |
WIA GC/25505 | Warburg, Moritz and Paul to Warburg, Aby 03/12/1891 | Moritz sends him Mark 300; wonders whether Warburg should take up smoking very light cigarettes... |
WIA GC/25695 | Warburg, Max to Warburg, Aby [before 13/03/1892] | acknowledges receipt of Warburg's card and promises to purchase the requested items; the Warburg... |
WIA GC/25703 | Warburg, Max; Warburg, Charlotte, and Warburg, Moritz to Warburg, Aby 24/12/1892 | they received his cable telling them that he might arrive in Hamburg only on Monday [26/12/1892... |