WIA GC/12211 | Warburg, Aby to Warburg, Aby S. 23/09/1915 | tells him of a phonecall by Freiin von Baumbach who thought she was speaking with Aby S. Warburg... |
WIA GC/12274 | Warburg, Aby to Baumbach, Freiin von 04/10/1915 | refers to his cousin, the banker Abraham S. Warburg; Abraham S. Warburg has written to Mrs. von... |
WIA GC/2139 | Günzburg, David von to Warburg, Aby 10/01/1906 | since he has to travel to South Germany he will do as Warburg asked him to |
WIA GC/25458 | Warburg, Charlotte to Warburg, Aby 13/10/1890 | is pleased that he has found interesting material in Berlin; urges him to attend the wedding [of... |
WIA GC/25483 | Schiff, Helene to Warburg, Aby 27/10/1890 | thanks him for his kind letter and his permission to stay in his room when she and her sister... |