Person NameWarburg; Edward Mortimer Morris (05/06/1908-21/09/1992)
ForenamesEdward Mortimer Morris
ActivityArt historian, philantropist; founder and trustee of MoMA, New York (1932 to 1958).
RelationshipsNephew of Aby Warburg; son of Felix Warburg and Frieda Warburg, née Schiff; brother of Carola Theresa Rothschild, née Warburg, Frederick Marcus Warburg, Gerald Felix Warburg, and Paul Felix Solomon Warburg.
SourceSupplement to Warburg Genealogy. Stamm-und Nachfahrentafel der Familie Warburg (Hamburg1937), copy in WIA; R. Chernow, The Warburgs: A family saga, London 1993; "Warburg, Edward M[ortimer] M[orris], “Eddie”", in Dictionary of Art Historians; URL: <<>> [accessed 07/02/2011].

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