Person NameWarburg; Max Moritz (05/06/1867-26/12/1946); Dr. h.c.
ForenamesMax Moritz
TitleDr. h.c.
ActivityBanker; partner (1893-1938) and (1910-l938) Director of M. M.Warburg & CO in Hamburg; sold the family bank in 1938; before 1918 advisor to the German Emperor; Delegate at the deliberations for Versailles Treaty; 1924-1933 member of Reichsbankrat; member f many boardrooms, including HAPAG and Norddeutscher Lloyd.
RelationshipsYounger brother of Aby Warburg; husband of Alice Warburg, née Magnus [married 01/03/1899]; father of Eric Max Warburg, Lola Nina Helena Hahn, née Warburg, Olga Renate Strauss, née Warburg, divorced Samson, Anita Francisca Sophie Wolf, née Warburg and Gisela Maximiliane Wyzanski, née Warburg. .
HistoryApprenticeship in Frankfurt, Main and Amsterdam; worked in Paris (1890) and London (1891-93) for N M Rothschild & Sons; 1893 return to Hamburg; 1904-1919 member of Hamburg Parlament (Bürgerschaft); since 1928 President of the Hilfsverein der Juden in Deutschland e.V.; emigrated to USA in (1938).
SourceSupplement to Warburg Genealogy. Stamm-und Nachfahrentafel der Familie Warburg (Hamburg1937), copy in WIA; R. Chernow, The Warburgs: A family saga, London 1993;" Max Warburg", in; URL:<> [accessed 28/01/2011].

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