Person NameWarburg; Max Adolph (10/07/1902-22/10/1974); Dr. phil.
ForenamesMax Adolph
TitleDr. phil.
ActivityPainter and classicist, taught art history after 1945 in Britain. Survived the Second World War in the Netherlands as teacher and farmer.
RelationshipsSon of Aby Warburg and Mary Warburg, née Hertz, brother of Marietta and Frede Warburg. Married (15/02/1939) in London to Josepha H. Warburg, née Spiero.
SourceSupplement to Warburg Genealogy. Stamm und Nachfahrentafel der familie Warburg, Hamburg 1937 [copy in WIA]; Ron Chernow, The Warburgs: A family saga, London 1993, 509-512.

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