Person NameWarburg; Erich Max (15/04/1900-09/07/1990)
ForenamesErich Max
ActivityBanker, worked at M. M. Warburg & Co. in Hamburg with single power of attorney (1926-1929), then partner (-1938); founded his own company in New York (1938); Head of M. M. Warburg & Co. in Hamburg (1956-1982).
RelationshipsNephew of Aby Warburg; son of Max Moritz Warburg and Alice Warburg, née Magnus; oldest brother of Lola Nina Helena Hahn, née Warburg, Olga Renate Strauss, née Warburg, divorced Samson, Anita Francisca Sophie Wolf, née Warburg and Gisela Maximiliane Wyzanski, née Warburg.
HistoryExecutive trainee in the Disconto-Gesellschaft Bank in Berlin (1918-1920); trainee at J. Dreyfus & Co. in Frankfurt (1920); trainee at N. M. Rothschild & Sons in London (1921-1923); trainee at the International Acceptance Bank in New York (1923-1924); worked at the Foreign Office in Portland, Oregon (1924-1925); worked at the American and Continental Corporation in New York (1925-1926); emigrated to USA in 1938, returned to Germany towards the end of the war as American officer; translator at the Nuremberg Trials.
SourceSupplement to Warburg Genealogy. Stamm-und Nachfahrentafel der Familie Warburg (Hamburg1937), copy in WIA; Eric M. Warburg, Times and tides: A log-book, Hamburg 1983; R. Chernow, The Warburgs: A family saga, London 1993;" Max Warburg", in; URL:<> [accessed 28/01/2011]; "Eric M. Warburg", in; URL: <> [accessed 28/01/2011].

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