Person NameWarburg; Paul Moritz (10/08/1868-24/01/1932)
ForenamesPaul Moritz
ActivityBanker and business man; partner of M. M. Warburg & Co. since 1895; 1902 junior partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Company in New York. He was elected a director of Wells Fargo & Company (1910-1914), appointed to the Federal Reserve Board (1914); involved in the founding of the Federal Reserve System; appointed a member of the first Federal Reserve Board by President Woodrow Wilson (1914-1918). Founder and First Chairman of the American Acceptance Council (1919-); first chairman of the International Acceptance Bank of New York (1921-). Chair man of Bank of the Manhattan Company (1929-1932). Director of the Council on Foreign Relations (1921, board member until 1932). Member of the advisory council of Federal Reserve Board (1921-26); trustee of the Institute of Economics (1922-1927) and Brookings Institution 1927-1932).
RelationshipsBrother of Aby Warburg; husband (married 01/10/1895) of Nina Warburg, née Loeb; father of James Paul Warburg and Bettina Grimson, née Warburg.
HistoryAbitur at Realgymnasium, Hamburg (1886), training atb Simon Hauer, Hamburg importer and exporter: Samuel Montague & Company, bankers, London (1889-1890), Banque Russe pour le Commerce Etranger, Paris (1890-91). Entered M. M. Warburg & Co. in 1891; untertook world tour (winter 1891-92). Moved to USA in 1902, obtained US citizenship in 1911.
SourceSupplement to Warburg Genealogy. Stamm-und Nachfahrentafel der Familie Warburg (Hamburg1937), copy in WIA; R. Chernow, The Warburgs: A family saga, London 1993; "Paul Moritz Warburg",; URL: <<>> [accessed 01/02/2011].

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