Person NameSpinelli; Ingrid Franciska, née Warburg (01/10/1910-25/10/2000); Dr.
ForenamesIngrid Franciska, née Warburg
RelationshipsNiece of Aby Warburg; daughter of Fritz Moritz Warburg and Anna Beata Warburg, née Warburg; sister of Eva Amalie Unger, née Warburg and Charlotte Esther Smulowicz, née Warburg; married (05/03/1946) to Naftali Unger.
SourceSupplement to Warburg Genealogy. Stamm-und Nachfahrentafel der Familie Warburg (Hamburg1937), copy in WIA; R. Chernow, The Warburgs: A family saga, London 1993; "Anna Warburg Schule, Berufliche Schule für Sozialpädagogik", website: URL: <<>> [accessed 10/02/2011].

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