Ref No | WIA GC/10074 |
Title | Schwedeler-Meyer, Ernst to Warburg, Aby [1896?] |
Writer | Schwedeler-Meyer, Ernst |
Recipient | Warburg, Aby |
DateNote | dated 'Saturday'; with 1896 correspondence |
Format | manuscript |
Contents | the exhibition on which he was working was opened; urges Warburg to see it; many people came, among them [Adolph] Bayersdorfer, J. Lessing, Domherr, Schneider, Ludwig Kaemmerer; August Schricker wants to be credited with the success of the exhibition; forwards some of his articles; mentions old school friends von Holten and Soetbeer; Schwedeler knows the house, in which Warburg is living, well as one of his uncles has lived there Gabriel von Térey is well received in Freiburg University; Ohnsorge is ill |
Show related Persons records.
Code | PersonName | Dates |
DS/UK/73 | Térey; Gabriel von (1864-1927); Dr. | 1864-1927 |
DS/UK/76 | Bayersdorfer; Adolph (1842-1901) | 1842-1901 |
DS/UK/80 | Schwedeler-Meyer; Ernst; Dr. | |
DS/UK/102 | Schricker; August Victor Ernst (14/11/1838-1912); Prof. Dr. | 14/11/1838-1912 |
DS/UK/109 | Kaemmerer; Ludwig (11/10/1862-1938); Prof. Dr. | 11/10/1862-1938 |