Ref No | WIA GC/10144 |
Title | Jolles, Mathilde to [?] [excerpts] [1899] |
Writer | Jolles, Mathilde, styled 'Tilli' |
DateNote | n.d., winter 1899 - 1900; with 1899 correspondence |
Format | typescript, copy made for Max Adolph Warburg; five excerpts from letters, not specified to whom, perhaps her family in Hamburg? |
Contents | 1. [Aby and Mary] Warburg treat her like a sister; they are an ideal couple; 2. Warburg's eyes are sore; Mary has to read to him [June 1900, cf. FC] 3. she is pleased that Warburgs like her; on the smallpox epidemic in Florence; Warburg wanted to 'flee' to Hamburg but Dr. [Edgar] Kurz thinks it is not necessary [February 1900, cf. FC] 4. Warburgs call her 'Moenkebaby', true to their habit of contracting names; Warburgs have issued a dinner invitation for every Sunday to her and André Jolles, her husband; 5. Mary Warburg treats her like a sister; she is working on a lifesize bust [Mary Warburg to Warburg, 21/03/1900; Mary Warburg to Charlotte Warburg, 29/03/1900, 11/04/1900 and 01/05/1900] |
Show related Persons records.
Code | PersonName | Dates |
DS/UK/171 | Jolles; André (07/08/1874-22/02/1946); Prof. Dr. | 07/08/1874-22/02/1946 |
DS/UK/231 | Wolff; Mathilde, née Mönckeberg, divorced Jolles (1879-1958) | 1879-1958 |
DS/UK/336 | Kurz; Edgar (d.1904); Dr. med. | d.1904 |
DS/UK/646 | Warburg; Max Adolph (10/07/1902-22/10/1974); Dr. phil. | 10/07/1902-22/10/1974 |
DS/UK/703 | Warburg; Charlotte Esther, née Oppenheim (24/02/1842-13/10/1921) | 24/02/1842-13/10/1921 |
DS/UK/955 | Warburg; Mary, née Hertz (13/10/1866-04/12/1934) | 13/10/1866-04/12/1934 |