Ref No | WIA GC/25213 |
Title | Warburg, Charlotte to Warburg, Aby [December 1886] |
Writer | Warburg, Charlotte |
Recipient | Warburg, Aby |
DateNote | FC, n.d., December 1886 |
Format | manuscript |
Contents | advises him to write his weekly letter in time for Friday; his father has yet again travelled to Berlin where he accidentally met aunt Helene [Rosenbacher] and Caro [her daughter Caroline Rosenbacher]; Louise Warburg has contracted whooping cough; Dr. [Max von der] Porten hopes that she will have improved within four weeks; Louise is reading a lot; because of her illness they had to cancel a number of invitations; Elsa [Warburg] also has whooping cough, but aunt Théophilie [Warburg; Elsa Warburg's mother] has sent her with [the governess?] Miss Baruch to Cuxhaven; the new companion of aunt Mali [Amalie Goldschmidt] is very nice, blond, very agreeable |
Show related Persons records.
Code | PersonName | Dates |
DS/UK/118 | Melchior; Elsa, née Warburg, widowed Elkan (1875-1949) | 1875-1949 |
DS/UK/343 | Porten; Max von der; Dr. med. | |
DS/UK/662 | Derenberg; Louise Martha, née Warburg (12/03/1879-1974) | 12/03/1879-1974 |
DS/UK/703 | Warburg; Charlotte Esther, née Oppenheim (24/02/1842-13/10/1921) | 24/02/1842-13/10/1921 |
DS/UK/706 | Goldschmidt; Amalie, née Warburg (1831-1911) | 1831-1911 |
DS/UK/808 | Rosenbacher; Helene, née Oppenheim (04/01/1841-10/12/1920) | 04/01/1841-10/12/1920 |
DS/UK/809 | Lachmann; Caroline, née Rosenbacher | |
DS/UK/918 | Warburg; Théophilie, née Rosenberg (1840-1905) | 1840-1905 |