Ref No | WIA GC/25703 |
Title | Warburg, Max; Warburg, Charlotte, and Warburg, Moritz to Warburg, Aby 24/12/1892 |
Writer | Warburg, Max; Warburg, Charlotte; Warburg, Moritz |
Recipient | Warburg, Aby |
Place2 | [Frankfurt am Main] |
Date | 24/12/1892 |
DateNote | FC |
Format | manuscript |
Contents | they received his cable telling them that he might arrive in Hamburg only on Monday [26/12/1892]; Max would be very unhappy as he has arranged a dinner and dance party [for 27/12/1892]; is Warburg afraid of the cholera?; [Max von der] Porten says that Warburg need not be afraid; forwards a list of names of people he has invited for the dinner dance: Georg [recte George?] Melchior; Carl Melchior; Otto Cohen; Alfred Löwengard; Emil Wolff; Walter Robinow; [Richard] Robinow; Arthur Cohen; John [Johann Nicolaus] Hertz; Dr. Voigt [with question mark]; Hans Nirrnheim; Kurt Ferber; [Emil] Heilbut; Richard Hertz; Aby Warburg; Aby S. Warburg; Ego [Max Warburg]; Marie Schienemann; Mary Hertz; Elly Simon; Helene Magnus and Alice Magnus [with question marks]; Bertha Robinow; Olga Robinow; Eva Ferber; Olga [Helena] Löwengard; Lischen May; Amélie Oppenheimer [recte Oppenheim?]; Marie Oppenheimer; Hans Oppenheimer; Elika Samson; Alice Hartoghs; after dinner: Pierrot [Pierre von Günzburg]; Franz Oppenheimer; Max asks Warburg to send a cable if in addition he wants to invite Schmidt Scharff, who is said to be in Altona, and Wilhelm Kiesselbach; Charlotte assures him that the few cases of cholera mean nothing; hopes that he will come to Hamburg; Moritz tells him that they have healthy cold weather; the newspaper, 'Frankfurter Zeitung' writes only nonsense |
Show related Persons records.
Code | PersonName | Dates |
DS/UK/20 | Robinow; Walter (15/08/1867 - 15/07/1938) | 15/08/1867 - 15/07/1938 |
DS/UK/29 | Robinow; Richard (1867-1945); Dr. | 1867-1945 |
DS/UK/36 | Nirrnheim; Hans (29/07/1865-30/07/1945); Prof. Dr. | 29/07/1865-30/07/1945 |
DS/UK/33 | Kiesselbach; Wilhelm (1867-1960); Dr. iur. | 1867-1960 |
DS/UK/116 | Melchior; Carl (13/10/1871-30/12/1933); Dr. iur. | 13/10/1871-30/12/1933 |
DS/UK/117 | Melchior; George (17/06/1870-1948); Dr. iur. | 17/06/1870-1948 |
DS/UK/289 | Hertz; Johann Nicolaus (1869-1908) | 1869-1908 |
DS/UK/329 | Ferber; Kurt | |
DS/UK/343 | Porten; Max von der; Dr. med. | |
DS/UK/370 | Heilbut; Emil (1871-1921); Prof. Dr. | 1871-1921 |
DS/UK/418 | Warburg; Max Moritz (05/06/1867-26/12/1946); Dr. h.c. | 05/06/1867-26/12/1946 |
DS/UK/703 | Warburg; Charlotte Esther, née Oppenheim (24/02/1842-13/10/1921) | 24/02/1842-13/10/1921 |
DS/UK/702 | Warburg; Moritz (1838-1910) | 1838-1910 |
DS/UK/813 | Cohen; Arthur | |
DS/UK/926 | Oppenheimer; Franz; Dr. | |
DS/UK/955 | Warburg; Mary, née Hertz (13/10/1866-04/12/1934) | 13/10/1866-04/12/1934 |
DS/UK/1080 | Herzfelder; Helene, née Magnus | |
DS/UK/1240 | Goldschmidt; Alice, née Hartogs (09/02/1872-23/12/1932) | 09/02/1872-23/12/1932 |
DS/UK/1498 | Wolff; Emil | |
DS/UK/1661 | Robinow; Olga | |
DS/UK/1667 | Frankfurter Zeitung; 1865-1943 | 1865-1943 |