Ref No | WIA GC/27219 |
Title | Warburg, Mary to Warburg, Charlotte 11/04/1900 |
Writer | Warburg, Mary |
Place1 | Florence |
Recipient | Warburg, Charlotte |
Date | 11/04/1900 |
DateNote | FC |
Format | manuscript |
Contents | hopes they have arrived safely back in Hamburg; the weather in Florence is slowly improving; [Aby and Mary] Warburg have been to their villa and have visited Mrs. Professor Stenger, née Bleichröder, who lives very near; mayor Mönckeberg visited [Aby and Mary] Warburg; Mary is still working on the bust of Tilli Mönckeberg; Warburg is very depressed again, he is homesick for Germany and they need to leave as soon as possible; Warburg wants to stay with Dr. [Friedrich] Stocker whilst Mary, Marietta and Lucia [maid] continue to Hamburg; Marietta is a sweet child, she repeats everything she hears; Aby S. [Warburg] and Ellen [Warburg] arrived in Florence but stayed only two or three days and have left for Venice; Rosenbergs also stayed in Florence, Warburg and Mary Warburg have been together with Marc [Rosenberg] and Mathilde [Rosenberg] and their charming girls frequently; next day Mönckebergs will eat with Warburgs |
Show related Persons records.
Code | PersonName | Dates |
DS/UK/231 | Wolff; Mathilde, née Mönckeberg, divorced Jolles (1879-1958) | 1879-1958 |
DS/UK/371 | Braden; Marietta, née Warburg (11/01/1899-12/02/1973) | 11/01/1899-12/02/1973 |
DS/UK/703 | Warburg; Charlotte Esther, née Oppenheim (24/02/1842-13/10/1921) | 24/02/1842-13/10/1921 |
DS/UK/707 | Warburg; Ellen, née Simon (1873-1931) | 1873-1931 |
DS/UK/919 | Rosenberg; Mathilde, née Warburg (1863-1922) | 1863-1922 |
DS/UK/955 | Warburg; Mary, née Hertz (13/10/1866-04/12/1934) | 13/10/1866-04/12/1934 |