Ref No | WIA GC/27930 |
Title | Braun, Edmund Wilhelm to Warburg, Aby 02/10/1909 |
Writer | Braun, E. W. |
Institution1 | Kaiser Franz Josef Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe |
Place1 | Troppau |
Recipient | Warburg, Aby |
Place2 | Hamburg |
Date | 02/10/1909 |
Format | typescript |
Contents | he has spoken with Dr. [Albert?] Figdor in Vienna; Figdor owns 17 old Italian playing cards from the Collection Pichon; the cards were published in the catalogue of the Collection Pichon and 12 of them in [Henry René] D'Allemagne's 'Les cartes à jouer du XIV au XX siècle'; Figdor is willing to send photographs of the 17 cards to Warburg; supplies his addres: Vienna I, Löwelstrasse 8; forwards photographs of the relief figures of planets on the Olmütz silver pitcher, owned by Dr. [Fritz] Harck, Seusslitz; Braun is interested in Warburg's view re sources for reliefs; requests also Warburg's view re planets on an Augsburg silver pitcher; requests return of photographs |
Show related Persons records.
Code | PersonName | Dates |
DS/UK/539 | Harck; Ludwig Friedrich von (29/04/1855-26/03/1917); Dr.phil. | 29/04/1855-26/03/1917 |
DS/UK/1731 | Braun; Edmund Wilhelm (23/01/1870-23/09/1957); Prof. Dr. phil. | 23/01/1870-23/09/1957 |