Ref No | WIA GC/31820 |
Title | Warburg, Felix to Warburg, Aby 25/05/1906 |
Writer | Warburg, Felix |
Place1 | Woodlands, White Plains, New York |
Recipient | Warburg, Aby |
Date | 25/05/1906 |
DateNote | FC |
Format | manuscript |
Contents | sends birthday wishes to Warburg, the 'fat splendid chap'; on Max [Warburg']s trip to Paris and his work for Germany; why was Warburg only a short time in Florence?; Warburg's friend Louis Ehrich had a big auction in the winter; Mr. Crosby, from Colorado, asks about Warburg every year, also Lilienthals [Philipp N. and Isabella S.] who have moved to New York because [Isabella S.?] Lilienthal is being treated for breast cancer in New York; is sorry about Lucia's [Oppenheim] death; asks Warburg to tell Fritz [Warburg] to buy Warburg a birthday present, paid for out of Felix's account |
Show related Persons records.
Code | PersonName | Dates |
DS/UK/200 | Lilienthal; Isabella S., née Seligman (-1906) | -1906 |
DS/UK/199 | Lilienthal; Philipp Nicholas (1850-09/09/1908) | 1850-09/09/1908 |
DS/UK/527 | Ehrich; Louis Rinaldo (1849-1911) | 1849-1911 |
DS/UK/418 | Warburg; Max Moritz (05/06/1867-26/12/1946); Dr. h.c. | 05/06/1867-26/12/1946 |
DS/UK/690 | Warburg; Felix Moritz (14/01/1871-20/10/1937) | 14/01/1871-20/10/1937 |
DS/UK/697 | Warburg; Fritz Moritz (12/03/1879-13/10/1964); Dr. jur. | 12/03/1879-13/10/1964 |
DS/UK/179 | Oppenheim; Lucia, née Cohn (1846-1906) | 1846-1906 |