Ref NoWIA GC/9580
TitleCushing, Frank Hamilton to Warburg, Aby 11/11/1895
WriterCushing, Frank Hamilton
Institution1Smithsonian Institution
Place1Washington D.C.
RecipientWarburg, Aby
DateNotein Trip to America file
Formatmanuscript and 1 typescript copy
Contentsrequests Warburg's postal addresses in Santa Fé and Fort Wingate to send him notes of introduction for the Zuni and Hopi country; he was sorry having missed him in Philadelphia

Show related Persons records.

DS/UK/494Smithsonian Institution; 1846-1846-
DS/UK/1346Cushing; Frank Hamilton (22/07/1857-10/04/1900)22/07/1857-10/04/1900
DS/UK/1495Fort Wingate; 1862-19931862-1993
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